Sm@rt Computers & Consulting is a multi-vendor network change, configuration, and compliance management solution for switches, routers, firewalls, and other network devices. Our skilled staff has earned the trust of our many customers. Trusted by hundreds of network administrators, we help automate and take total control of the entire life cycle of device configuration management.

Computer networks consist of a variety of different components, including network data cabling (CAT5/CAT6), network switches, routers, firewalls, desktops, laptops, servers, VPNs, and many more. Our computer network consultants have the knowledge and expertise to design a solutions that is right for you. We will evaluate your business needs & requirements, as well as review existing technologies in place. We will confer with you, discuss your needs, and ensure that the proposed network design will work for you and your business.

Network Configuration and Changes: Best Practices

Networks are the backbone of any modern organization, connecting different devices and facilitating communication and data transfer. However, configuring and making changes to a network can be a complex and risky task, as even a small mistake can have significant consequences. That is why it is essential to follow best practices when it comes to network configuration and changes. In this article, we will discuss the most critical best practices to ensure a successful and smooth network configuration and change process.

  1. Plan the Change:Before making any changes to the network, it is critical to have a well-defined plan in place. This plan should outline the purpose of the change, the steps involved, and the expected outcomes. It is also essential to consider potential risks and how to mitigate them. By having a plan, you can ensure that the change process is organized and structured, reducing the likelihood of errors or unexpected outcomes.
  2. Test the Change:Before implementing the change in the live network, it is best practice to test the change in a controlled environment, such as a test lab or a sandbox. This allows you to verify that the change will produce the desired results and identify any potential issues before they impact the live network.
  3. Document the Change:Keeping detailed and accurate records of network changes is crucial for future reference and troubleshooting. This documentation should include the plan, the steps taken during the change, and the results of any testing. It is also essential to keep this documentation up to date, and make sure that it is easily accessible to all relevant parties.
  4. Use Version Control:When making changes to a network, it is essential to use version control to keep track of changes and roll back to previous configurations if needed. This is especially important when making complex changes or when multiple people are involved in the change process.
  5. Use Automated Tools:Automated tools, such as network configuration management software, can greatly simplify the network change process and reduce the risk of human error. These tools can automate tasks such as backups, version control, and documentation, and provide a centralized view of the network configuration.
  6. Monitor the Network:After making a change to the network, it is essential to monitor its performance and look out for any potential issues. This monitoring should continue for a suitable period, such as 24 hours, to ensure that the change has not had any adverse effects.

In conclusion, following best practices when configuring and making changes to a network is crucial for ensuring the stability and reliability of the network. By planning, testing, documenting, using version control and automated tools, and monitoring the network, you can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that changes are made successfully.

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Sm@rt Computers & Consulting

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Dickinson, ND 58601
888-783-7075 Toll Free
701-483-7075 Office
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701-751-0854 Bismarck
701-873-9975 Beulah/Hazen